

The boulder development started in the early 1990 with areas like Lucerna, the development was pushed by Jacob Sjöstrand and Jim Wasmuth this was a god way to train for harder stuff on the roped end.

In the year of 2000 the bouldering game stepped up and along with other areas in Sweden the development started to really take off. Areas like Vo-stenarna and Kraft boulder where developed. Back in 2000 Kraft 8A got its first ascent and boulders like Dillerium and Namaste where born.

During the years the area have seen loads of attention from the world elite of climbing mainly due to the fact that one of the better problems in Sweden is located in the region, The Hourglass 8B has reputation for being a stunning feather to have in the hat.

Loads of the problems in the area have first ascents from Stefan Rasmussen and yearly there is huge development done. Lorentz Ulmer have been a keen visitor and during periods have had the area as home, this resulted in a printed guide and countless of new hard problems.

This area have something for everyone, we aim to get you going with the free PDF guides on the page and will updating frequently with news…

Watch Bouldering Guides:

Watch movies from YouTube:

VS “The Hourglass” 8B/V13 || Swedish Climbing When It’s World Class

Sickest outdoor dyno in Sweden

3 days of bouldering in Västervik 2024

Västervik 23

Västervikbouldering 2022

Bouldering in Vastervik part 1

Nordic Paradise, a week bouldering in Vastervik

Ned and Shauna

Västervik international boulder meet 2011


Västervik outdoor 1-2 June

22nd May 2023

We are preparing our both at this eminent festival. Come and join in for a weekend in the area.  climb, kayak hang around and enjoy the perfect destination of Västervik. There will be information on […]
